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Miao with a silly look on her face. Nothing new here.
Miao with a stunned look on her face.
Miao looking goofy.  Nothing new here!
Adorable Miao in profile, with a pretty blush.
Ran and Miao look about warily.
Miao gasps while Ran plays with a toy.
A lovely yet perplexed-looking Geisha lady.

Miao gasps while Ran plays with a toy.
Sequence: A1, B1, C1, D4
Layers: 4
Sketch: 4
Background: None

Tsukikage Ran - Miao and Others (7)
Here's one of the odd moments that occurs as the story progresses, in which Miao seems more concerned about what's going on around them than Ran is. Ran has found a little paper elephant and is utterly mesmerized by it. Her childlike expression as she plays with the toy is the reason I wanted this cel.

Made it here

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Copyright for commentary, arrangement, and this site is held by Baakay.